

Director Identification Numbers

Director Identification Numbers

There has been an update to the requirements of directors for Australian Companies. All directors will now require a Director Identification Number (DIN).
A DIN is a unique identifier administered by ASIC that a director will apply for once and keep forever, it needs to be linked to all of an individual’s directorships with ASIC. The intention is to help prevent the use of false or fraudulent director identities.

Who needs a Director ID?

You need a director ID if you’re an eligible officer of:

  • a company, a registered Australian body or a registered foreign company under the Corporations Act 2001 (Corporations Act)
  • an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander corporation registered under the Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006 (CATSI Act).
    An eligible officer is a person who is appointed as:
  • a director
  • an alternate director who is acting in that capacity.
    You will only ever need one director ID. You don’t have to apply for another one if you become a director of other companies or corporations.
When must you apply for your Director ID?
Date you become a Director Date you must apply
On or before 31 October 2021 By 30 November 2022
Between 1 November 2021 and 4 April 2022 Within 28 days of appointment
From 5 April 2022 Before appointment


If you were already a director on or before 31 October 2021, you have until 30 November 2022 to apply. That’s still the case even if you become a director of another company after 31 October 2021.

Who can be a Director?

To be eligible to be a director of a company, you must be at least 18 years of age and consent to taking on the role and responsibilities of a director.

You cannot be a director if you:

  • are an undischarged bankrupt
  • have entered into a personal insolvency agreement under the Bankruptcy Act 1966 and failed to fully comply with the terms of the agreement
  • have been banned by ASIC or a court from managing corporations under the Corporations Act 2001 (the length of the banning period will be set by ASIC or the court)
  • have been convicted of dishonesty-related offences, such as fraud. (These people are automatically banned for five years from the date of their conviction or, if imprisoned, for five years from the date of their release.

The director ID requirement does not replace or change existing requirements to keep company records updated. For example, directors must still notify their company of changes in address or other details. The company will still need to notify ASIC of any changes to the public record.

ASIC’s enforcement role covers director ID offences under the Corporations Act 2001. The penalties for not complying with DIN requirements may be expensive, so we would encourage you to act within the timelines set out above.

The Practical Steps

As a director of a company you will need to apply for a DIN , please note:

  1. No one can apply for a DIN on your behalf.
  2. You will need to set up MyGovID & gather ID documents OR, if that is not possible, you can apply for a DIN by contacting the Australian Business Registry Services by phone or via a paper form. You will need your TFN and verification of your identity. Apply for a Director Identification Number or download the form.
  3. You will have one DIN no matter how many directorships you have.
  4. Once you have your DIN you need to link it to all your directorships, this is generally done by providing it to the company secretary or the person who is responsible for ASIC compliance for that company.
    (As a client of Romanis Cant, you may provide your DIN to our office and we will link it to all companies where we act as the registered ASIC agent.)

As noted above, we are unable to lodge a DIN application on your behalf, but as always, as a client of Romanis Cant if you need our assistance we are here to help.